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This vignettes provides a quick introduction to the {laminr} workflow. For more details about how {laminr} works see vignette("concepts_features", package = "laminr").


Install {laminr} from CRAN using:

You will also need to install the lamindb Python package:

pip install lamindb[aws]

Some functionality requires additional packages. You will be prompted to install them as needed or you can install them all now with:

install.packages("laminr", dependencies = TRUE)

See the “Initial setup” section of vignette("concepts_features", package = "laminr") for more details.

Connecting to LaminDB

Load {laminr} to get started.

Connect to the default instance

The default LaminDB instance is set using the lamin CLI on the command line:

lamin connect <owner>/<name>

Once a default instance has been set, connect to it with {laminr}:

db <- connect()
#> ! schema module 'bionty' is not installed → no access to its labels & registries (resolve via `pip install bionty`)
#>  connected lamindb: laminlabs/cellxgene
#> cellxgene
#>   Core registries
#>     $Run
#>     $User
#>     $Param
#>     $ULabel
#>     $Feature
#>     $Storage
#>     $Artifact
#>     $Transform
#>     $Collection
#>     $FeatureSet
#>     $ParamValue
#>     $FeatureValue
#>   Additional modules
#>     bionty

Connect to other instances

It is possible to connect to non-default instances by providing a slug to the connect() function. Instances connected to in this way can be used to query data but cannot make any changes. Connect to the public CELLxGENE instance:

cellxgene <- connect("laminlabs/cellxgene")
#> cellxgene
#>   Core registries
#>     $Run
#>     $User
#>     $Param
#>     $ULabel
#>     $Feature
#>     $Storage
#>     $Artifact
#>     $Transform
#>     $Collection
#>     $FeatureSet
#>     $ParamValue
#>     $FeatureValue
#>   Additional modules
#>     bionty

Track data provenance

LaminDB can track which scripts or notebooks were used to create data. Starts the tracking process:

db$track("I8BlHXFXqZOG0000", path = "laminr.Rmd")

Download a dataset

Artifacts are objects that contain measurements as well as associated metadata.

artifact <- cellxgene$Artifact$get("7dVluLROpalzEh8mNyxk")
#> Artifact(uid='7dVluLROpalzEh8mNyxk', description='Renal cell carcinoma, pre aPD1, kidney Puck_200727_12', key='cell-census/2023-12-15/h5ads/02faf712-92d4-4589-bec7-13105059cf86.h5ad', id=1742, run_id=22, hash='YNYuokfAoDFxdaRILjmU9w', size=13997860, suffix='.h5ad', storage_id=2, version='2023-12-15', _accessor='AnnData', is_latest=TRUE, transform_id=16, _hash_type='md5-n', created_at='2024-01-11T09:13:23.143694+00:00', created_by_id=1, updated_at='2024-01-24T07:17:47.009288+00:00', visibility=1, n_observations=17612, _key_is_virtual=FALSE)

So far only retrieved the metadata of this artifact has been retrieved. To download the data itself, run:

adata <- artifact$load()
#>   |                                                                              |                                                                      |   0%  |                                                                              |                                                                      |   1%  |                                                                              |=                                                                     |   1%  |                                                                              |=                                                                     |   2%  |                                                                              |==                                                                    |   2%  |                                                                              |==                                                                    |   3%  |                                                                              |===                                                                   |   4%  |                                                                              |===                                                                   |   5%  |                                                                              |====                                                                  |   5%  |                                                                              |====                                                                  |   6%  |                                                                              |=====                                                                 |   6%  |                                                                              |=====                                                                 |   7%  |                                                                              |=====                                                                 |   8%  |                                                                              |======                                                                |   8%  |                                                                              |======                                                                |   9%  |                                                                              |=======                                                               |   9%  |                                                                              |=======                                                               |  10%  |                                                                              |=======                                                               |  11%  |                                                                              |========                                                              |  11%  |                                                                              |========                                                              |  12%  |                                                                              |=========                                                             |  12%  |                                                                              |=========                                                             |  13%  |                                                                              |=========                                                             |  14%  |                                                                              |==========                                                            |  14%  |                                                                              |==========                                                            |  15%  |                                                                              |===========                                                           |  15%  |                                                                              |===========                                                           |  16%  |                                                                              |============                                                          |  16%  |                                                                              |============                                                          |  17%  |                                                                              |============                                                          |  18%  |                                                                              |=============                                                         |  18%  |                                                                              |=============        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22%  |                                                                              |================                                                      |  23%  |                                                                              |=================                                                     |  24%  |                                                                              |=================                                                     |  25%  |                                                                              |==================                                                    |  25%  |                                                                              |==================                                                    |  26%  |                                                                              |===================                                                   |  27%  |                                                                              |===================                                                   |  28%  |                                                                              |====================                                                  |  28%  |                                                                              |====================                                                  |  29%  |                                                                              |=====================                                                 |  29%  |                                                                              |=====================                                                 |  30%  |                                                                              |=====================                                                 |  31%  |                                                                              |======================                                                |  31%  |                                                                              |======================                                                |  32%  |                                                                              |=======================                                               |  32%  |                                                                              |=======================                                               |  33%  |                                                                              |=======================                                               |  34%  |                                                                              |========================                                              |  34%  |                                                                              |========================                                              |  35%  |                                                                              |=========================                                             |  35%  |                                                                              |=========================                                             |  36%  |                                                                              |==========================                                            |  36%  |                                                                              |==========================                                            |  37%  |                                                                              |==========================                                            |  38%  |                                                                              |===========================                                           |  38%  |                                                                              |===========================                                           |  39%  |                                                                              |============================                                          |  39%  |                                                                              |============================                                          |  40%  |                                                                              |============================                                          |  41%  |                                                                              |=============================                                         |  41%  |                                                                              |=============================                                         |  42%  |                                                                              |==============================                                        |  42%  |                                                                              |==============================                                        |  43%  |                                                                              |===============================                                       |  44%  |                                                                              |===============================                                       |  45%  |                                                                              |================================                                      |  45%  |                                                                              |================================                                      |  46%  |                                                                              |=================================                                     |  47%  |                                                                              |=================================                                     |  48%  |                                                                              |==================================                                    |  48%  |                                                                              |==================================                                    |  49%  |                                                                              |===================================                                   |  49%  |                                                                              |===================================                                   |  50%  |                                                                              |===================================                                   |  51%  |                          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|======================================                                |  55%  |                                                                              |=======================================                               |  55%  |                                                                              |=======================================                               |  56%  |                                                                              |========================================                              |  56%  |                                                                              |========================================                              |  57%  |                                                                              |========================================                              |  58%  |                                                                              |=========================================           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                                                    |============================================                          |  62%  |                                                                              |============================================                          |  63%  |                                                                              |=============================================                         |  64%  |                                                                              |=============================================                         |  65%  |                                                                              |==============================================                        |  65%  |                                                                              |==============================================                        |  66%  |                                                                              |===============================================                       |  67%  |                                                                              |===============================================                       |  68%  |                                                                              |================================================                      |  68%  |                                                                              |================================================                      |  69%  |                                                                              |=================================================                     |  69%  |                                                                              |=================================================                     |  70%  |                                                                              |=================================================                     |  71%  |                                                                              |==================================================                    |  71%  |                                                                              |==================================================                    |  72%  |                                                                              |===================================================                   |  72%  |                                                                              |===================================================                   |  73%  |                                                                              |===================================================                   |  74%  |                                                                              |====================================================                  |  74%  |                          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|=======================================================               |  78%  |                                                                              |=======================================================               |  79%  |                                                                              |========================================================              |  79%  |                                                                              |========================================================              |  80%  |                                                                              |========================================================              |  81%  |                                                                              |=========================================================             |  81%  |                                                                              |=========================================================             |  82%  |                                                                              |==========================================================            |  82%  |                                                                              |==========================================================            |  83%  |                                                                              |==========================================================            |  84%  |                                                                              |===========================================================           |  84%  |                                                                              |===========================================================           |  85%  |                                                                              |============================================================          |  85%  |                                                                              |============================================================          |  86%  |                                                                              |=============================================================         |  87%  |                                                                              |=============================================================         |  88%  |                                                                              |==============================================================        |  88%  |                                                                              |==============================================================        |  89%  |                                                                              |===============================================================       |  89%  |                                                                              |===============================================================       |  90%  |                                                                              |===============================================================       |  91%  |                                                                              |================================================================      |  91%  |                                                                              |================================================================      |  92%  |                                                                              |=================================================================     |  92%  |                                                                              |=================================================================     |  93%  |                                                                              |=================================================================     |  94%  |                                                                              |==================================================================    |  94%  |                                                                              |==================================================================    |  95%  |                                                                              |===================================================================   |  95%  |                                                                              |===================================================================   |  96%  |                                                                              |====================================================================  |  96%  |                                                                              |====================================================================  |  97%  |                                                                              |====================================================================  |  98%  |                                                                              |===================================================================== |  98%  |                                                                              |===================================================================== |  99%  |                                                                              |======================================================================|  99%  |                                                                              |======================================================================| 100%
#> AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 17612 × 23254
#>     obs: 'n_genes', 'n_UMIs', 'log10_n_UMIs', 'log10_n_genes', 'Cell_Type', 'cell_type_ontology_term_id', 'organism_ontology_term_id', 'tissue_ontology_term_id', 'assay_ontology_term_id', 'disease_ontology_term_id', 'self_reported_ethnicity_ontology_term_id', 'development_stage_ontology_term_id', 'sex_ontology_term_id', 'donor_id', 'is_primary_data', 'suspension_type', 'cell_type', 'assay', 'disease', 'organism', 'sex', 'tissue', 'self_reported_ethnicity', 'development_stage'
#>     var: 'gene', 'n_beads', 'n_UMIs', 'feature_is_filtered', 'feature_name', 'feature_reference', 'feature_biotype'
#>     uns: 'Cell_Type_colors', 'schema_version', 'title'
#>     obsm: 'X_spatial'

You can see that this artifact contains an AnnData object.

Work with the data

Once you have loaded a dataset you can perform any analysis with it as you would normally. Here, marker genes are calculated for each of the provided cell type labels using {Seurat}.

# Create a Seurat object
seurat <- SeuratObject::CreateSeuratObject(
  counts = as(Matrix::t(adata$X), "CsparseMatrix"), = adata$obs,
# Set cell identities to the provided cell type annotation
SeuratObject::Idents(seurat) <- "Cell_Type"
# Normalise the data
seurat <- Seurat::NormalizeData(seurat)
#> Normalizing layer: counts
# Test for marker genes (the output is a data.frame)
markers <- Seurat::FindAllMarkers(
  features = SeuratObject::Features(seurat)[1:100] # Only test a few features for speed
#> Calculating cluster Epithelial
#> Calculating cluster Fibroblast
#> For a (much!) faster implementation of the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test,
#> (default method for FindMarkers) please install the presto package
#> --------------------------------------------
#> install.packages('devtools')
#> devtools::install_github('immunogenomics/presto')
#> --------------------------------------------
#> After installation of presto, Seurat will automatically use the more 
#> efficient implementation (no further action necessary).
#> This message will be shown once per session
#> Calculating cluster Myeloid
#> Calculating cluster Tumor
#> Warning: The following tests were not performed:
#> Warning: When testing Epithelial versus all:
#>  Cell group 1 has fewer than 3 cells
# Display the marker genes
p_val avg_log2FC pct.1 pct.2 p_val_adj cluster gene
ENSG00000147113 0.0000001 1.8228103 0.019 0.005 0.0011654 Fibroblast ENSG00000147113
ENSG00000170004 0.0000002 2.5663044 0.021 0.006 0.0036485 Fibroblast ENSG00000170004
ENSG00000196139 0.0000003 -0.8318130 0.053 0.110 0.0058749 Fibroblast ENSG00000196139
ENSG00000132170 0.0006719 1.7151510 0.020 0.009 1.0000000 Fibroblast ENSG00000132170
ENSG00000205542 0.0007360 0.6442683 0.230 0.195 1.0000000 Fibroblast ENSG00000205542
ENSG00000163536 0.0025157 1.8914687 0.012 0.004 1.0000000 Fibroblast ENSG00000163536
ENSG00000067064 0.0063090 1.2509162 0.014 0.006 1.0000000 Fibroblast ENSG00000067064
ENSG00000105855 0.0068491 -0.5412708 0.022 0.041 1.0000000 Fibroblast ENSG00000105855
ENSG00000205542.1 0.0000002 1.3623005 0.310 0.195 0.0046479 Myeloid ENSG00000205542
ENSG00000196139.1 0.0015658 -0.5898982 0.040 0.108 1.0000000 Myeloid ENSG00000196139
ENSG00000196139.2 0.0000000 0.7939631 0.111 0.050 0.0000224 Tumor ENSG00000196139
ENSG00000205542.2 0.0000001 -0.8585382 0.193 0.247 0.0013456 Tumor ENSG00000205542
ENSG00000147113.1 0.0000018 -1.4976270 0.005 0.016 0.0415774 Tumor ENSG00000147113
ENSG00000170004.1 0.0000073 -2.2898276 0.006 0.018 0.1686987 Tumor ENSG00000170004
ENSG00000105855.1 0.0003828 0.7197716 0.041 0.019 1.0000000 Tumor ENSG00000105855
ENSG00000053371 0.0038080 0.8347505 0.029 0.014 1.0000000 Tumor ENSG00000053371
ENSG00000141385 0.0058269 1.0575502 0.019 0.007 1.0000000 Tumor ENSG00000141385
ENSG00000132170.1 0.0072852 -1.3878878 0.009 0.017 1.0000000 Tumor ENSG00000132170
ENSG00000163536.1 0.0076905 -1.8629158 0.004 0.010 1.0000000 Tumor ENSG00000163536
# Plot the marker genes
Seurat::DotPlot(seurat, features = unique(markers$gene)) +
  ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5))
#> Warning: Scaling data with a low number of groups may produce misleading
#> results

Save the results to your instance

Any results can be saved to the default LaminDB instance.

seurat_path <- tempfile(fileext = ".rds")
saveRDS(seurat, seurat_path)

  description = "Marker genes for renal cell carcinoma dataset"

  description = "Seurat object for renal cell carcinoma dataset"

Finish tracking

End the tracking run to generate a timestamp:


Save notebooks and code

Save the tracked notebook to your instance:

  1. Render the notebook to HTML (not needed for .R scripts)
  • In RStudio, click the “Knit” button

  • OR From the command line, run:

    Rscript -e 'rmarkdown::render("laminr.Rmd")'
  • OR Use the rmarkdown package in R:

  1. Save it to your LaminDB instance using the lamin CLI:
lamin save laminr.Rmd