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This vignette provides a more detailed introduction to the concepts and features of {laminr}. We’ll start with a brief overview of key concepts and then walk through the basic steps to connect to a LaminDB instance and work with its core components.

Key Concepts in LaminDB

Before diving into the practical usage of {laminr}, it’s helpful to understand some core concepts in LaminDB. For a more detailed explanation, refer to the Architecture vignette (vignette("architecture", package = "laminr")).

  • Instance: A LaminDB instance is a self-contained environment for storing and managing data and metadata. Think of it like a database or a project directory. Each instance has its own schema, storage location, and metadata database.
  • Module: A module is a collection of related registries that provide specific functionality. For example, the core module contains essential registries for general data management, while the bionty module provides registries for biological entities like genes and proteins.
  • Registry: A registry is a centralized collection of related records, similar to a table in a database. Each registry holds a specific type of metadata, such as information about artifacts, transforms, or features.
  • Record: A record is a single entry within a registry, analogous to a row in a database table. Each record represents a specific entity and combines multiple fields of information.
  • Field: A field is a single piece of information within a record, like a column in a database table. For example, an artifact record might have fields for its name, description, and creation date.

Initial setup

Now, let’s set up your environment to use {laminr}.

Python setup

  1. Install the lamindb Python package.
pip install lamindb[aws]
  1. Connect to a LaminDB instance:
lamin connect laminlabs/cellxgene

R setup

  1. Install the {laminr} package.
  1. (Optional) Install suggested dependencies.
install.packages("laminr", dependencies = TRUE)

This includes packages like {anndata} for working with AnnData objects and {s3} for interacting with S3 storage.

Connecting to LaminDB from R

Connect to the laminlabs/cellxgene instance from your R session:


db <- connect("laminlabs/cellxgene")

The db object now represents your connection to the LaminDB instance. You can explore the available registries (like Artifact, Collection, Feature, etc.) by simply printing the db object:

#> cellxgene
#>   Core registries
#>     $Run
#>     $User
#>     $Param
#>     $ULabel
#>     $Feature
#>     $Storage
#>     $Artifact
#>     $Transform
#>     $Collection
#>     $FeatureSet
#>     $ParamValue
#>     $FeatureValue
#>   Additional modules
#>     bionty

These registries correspond to Python classes in LaminDB.

To access registries within specific modules, use the $ operator. For example, to access the bionty module:

#> bionty
#>   Registries
#>     $Gene
#>     $Source
#>     $Tissue
#>     $Disease
#>     $Pathway
#>     $Protein
#>     $CellLine
#>     $CellType
#>     $Organism
#>     $Ethnicity
#>     $Phenotype
#>     $CellMarker
#>     $DevelopmentalStage
#>     $ExperimentalFactor

The bionty and other registries also have corresponding Python classes.

Working with registries

Let’s use the Artifact registry as an example. This registry stores datasets, models, and other data entities.

To see the available functions for the Artifact registry, print the registry object:

#> Artifact
#>   Simple fields
#>     id: AutoField
#>     key: CharField
#>     uid: CharField
#>     hash: CharField
#>     size: BigIntegerField
#>     type: CharField
#>     suffix: CharField
#>     version: CharField
#>     is_latest: BooleanField
#>     n_objects: BigIntegerField
#>     created_at: DateTimeField
#>     updated_at: DateTimeField
#>     visibility: SmallIntegerField
#>     description: CharField
#>     n_observations: BigIntegerField
#>   Relational fields
#>     run: Run (many-to-one)
#>     storage: Storage (many-to-one)
#>     ulabels: ULabel (many-to-many)
#>     transform: Transform (many-to-one)
#>     created_by: User (many-to-one)
#>     collections: Collection (many-to-many)
#>     feature_sets: FeatureSet (many-to-many)
#>     input_of_runs: Run (many-to-many)
#>   Bionty fields
#>     genes: bionty$Gene (many-to-many)
#>     tissues: bionty$Tissue (many-to-many)
#>     diseases: bionty$Disease (many-to-many)
#>     pathways: bionty$Pathway (many-to-many)
#>     proteins: bionty$Protein (many-to-many)
#>     organisms: bionty$Organism (many-to-many)
#>     cell_lines: bionty$CellLine (many-to-many)
#>     cell_types: bionty$CellType (many-to-many)
#>     phenotypes: bionty$Phenotype (many-to-many)
#>     ethnicities: bionty$Ethnicity (many-to-many)
#>     cell_markers: bionty$CellMarker (many-to-many)
#>     developmental_stages: bionty$DevelopmentalStage (many-to-many)
#>     experimental_factors: bionty$ExperimentalFactor (many-to-many)

You can also get a data frame summarising the records associated with a registry.

db$Artifact$df(limit = 5)
#>     id suffix X_accessor n_objects visibility
#> 1 2846        tiledbsoma       290          1
#> 2 3665        tiledbsoma       330          1
#> 3 1270  .h5ad    AnnData        NA          1
#> 4 2840 .ipynb       <NA>        NA          0
#> 5 2842  .html       <NA>        NA          0
#>                                                                      key
#> 1                                            cell-census/2023-12-15/soma
#> 2                                            cell-census/2024-07-01/soma
#> 3 cell-census/2023-07-25/h5ads/7a0a8891-9a22-4549-a55b-c2aca23c3a2a.h5ad
#> 4                                                                   <NA>
#> 5                                                                   <NA>
#>                    uid         size                   hash
#> 1 FYMewVq5twKMDXVy0000 635848093433 Mfyw8VuqftX5REITfQH_yg
#> 2 FYMewVq5twKMDXVy0001 870700998221 bzrXBPNvitSVKvb3GG38_w
#> 3 tczTlSHFPOcAcBnfyxKA   1297573950 UlsVvBz9kMzn2r9RdoAAOg
#> 4 JIIPyQX5l9qELPl42d75        36297 gNdUkonYgQJP_Mi3xLzt_g
#> 5 Whyxwf3k2GjJwTPCl1FK       716529 BDGZac3qU3oLVFpO035Qhg
#>                            description n_observations is_latest X_hash_type
#> 1                    Census 2023-12-15       68683222     FALSE       md5-d
#> 2                    Census 2024-07-01      115556140      TRUE       md5-d
#> 3      Supercluster: Hippocampal CA1-3          74979     FALSE       md5-n
#> 4 Source of transform G69jtgzKO0eJ6K79             NA     FALSE         md5
#> 5   Report of run UAAiLAi0BrLvlKnsuvP3             NA     FALSE         md5
#>      type                       created_at X_key_is_virtual
#> 1 dataset 2024-07-12T12:12:16.091881+00:00            FALSE
#> 2 dataset 2024-07-16T12:52:01.424629+00:00            FALSE
#> 3    <NA> 2023-11-28T21:46:12.685907+00:00            FALSE
#> 4    <NA> 2024-01-29T08:32:13.311741+00:00             TRUE
#> 5    <NA> 2024-01-29T08:32:18.346499+00:00             TRUE
#>                         updated_at    version
#> 1 2024-09-17T13:00:13.714256+00:00 2023-12-15
#> 2 2024-09-17T13:01:23.739635+00:00 2024-07-01
#> 3 2024-01-24T07:10:21.725547+00:00 2023-07-25
#> 4 2024-01-29T08:32:13.311792+00:00          0
#> 5 2024-01-30T09:12:06.027928+00:00          1

Working with records

You can fetch a specific record from a registry using its ID or UID. For instance, to get the artifact with UID KBW89Mf7IGcekja2hADu:

artifact <- db$Artifact$get("KBW89Mf7IGcekja2hADu")

This artifact contains an AnnData object with myeloid cell data. You can view its metadata:

#> Artifact(uid='KBW89Mf7IGcekja2hADu', description='Myeloid compartment', key='cell-census/2024-07-01/h5ads/fe52003e-1460-4a65-a213-2bb1a508332f.h5ad', id=3659, run_id=27, hash='SZ5tB0T4YKfiUuUkAL09ZA', size=691757462, type='dataset', suffix='.h5ad', storage_id=2, version='2024-07-01', _accessor='AnnData', is_latest=TRUE, transform_id=22, _hash_type='md5-n', created_at='2024-07-12T12:34:10.345829+00:00', created_by_id=1, updated_at='2024-07-12T12:40:48.837026+00:00', visibility=1, n_observations=51552, _key_is_virtual=FALSE)

For artifact records, you can get more detailed information:

#> Artifact(uid='KBW89Mf7IGcekja2hADu', description='Myeloid compartment', key='cell-census/2024-07-01/h5ads/fe52003e-1460-4a65-a213-2bb1a508332f.h5ad', id=3659, run_id=27, hash='SZ5tB0T4YKfiUuUkAL09ZA', size=691757462, type='dataset', suffix='.h5ad', storage_id=2, version='2024-07-01', _accessor='AnnData', is_latest=TRUE, transform_id=22, _hash_type='md5-n', created_at='2024-07-12T12:34:10.345829+00:00', created_by_id=1, updated_at='2024-07-12T12:40:48.837026+00:00', visibility=1, n_observations=51552, _key_is_virtual=FALSE)
#>   Provenance
#>     $storage = 's3://cellxgene-data-public'
#>     $transform = 'Census release 2024-07-01 (LTS)'
#>     $run = '2024-07-16T12:49:41.81955+00:00'
#>     $created_by = 'sunnyosun'

Access specific fields of the record using the $ operator:

#> [1] 3659
#> [1] "KBW89Mf7IGcekja2hADu"
#> [1] "cell-census/2024-07-01/h5ads/fe52003e-1460-4a65-a213-2bb1a508332f.h5ad"

Some fields of a record contain links to related information.

#> Storage(uid='oIYGbD74', root='s3://cellxgene-data-public', id=2, type='s3', region='us-west-2', created_at='2023-09-19T13:17:56.273068+00:00', created_by_id=1, updated_at='2023-10-16T15:04:08.998203+00:00')
#> RelatedRecords(field_name='developmental_stages', relation_type='many-to-many', related_to='KBW89Mf7IGcekja2hADu')

When those that are one-to-many or many-to-many relationship, a summary of the related information can be retrieved as a data frame.

#>    id      uid abbr                       name synonyms
#> 1 422 1xebUrrX   NA   sixth decade human stage       NA
#> 2 423 3yuYMeZt   NA seventh decade human stage       NA
#> 3 424 2EztBuvx   NA  eighth decade human stage       NA
#>                         created_at                       updated_at
#> 1 2023-11-28T23:05:31.450102+00:00 2023-11-28T23:05:31.450106+00:00
#> 2 2023-11-28T23:05:31.450123+00:00 2023-11-28T23:05:31.450127+00:00
#> 3 2023-11-28T23:05:31.450144+00:00 2023-11-28T23:05:31.450149+00:00
#>                                                                       description
#> 1 Human Stage That Refers To An Individual Who Is Over 50 And Under 60 Years Old.
#> 2 Human Stage That Refers To An Individual Who Is Over 60 And Under 70 Years Old.
#> 3 Human Stage That Refers To An Individual Who Is Over 70 And Under 80 Years Old.
#>      ontology_id
#> 1 HsapDv:0000240
#> 2 HsapDv:0000241
#> 3 HsapDv:0000242

Finally, for artifact records only, you can download the associated data:

artifact$cache() # Cache the data locally
#>   |                                                                              |                                                                      |   0%  |                                                                              |                                                                      |   1%  |                                                                              |=                                                                     |   1%  |                                                                              |=                                                                     |   2%  |                                                                              |==                                                                    |   2%  |                                                                              |==                                                                    |   3%  |                                               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|===================================================================== |  99%  |                                                                              |======================================================================|  99%  |                                                                              |======================================================================| 100%
artifact$load() # Load the data into memory
#>  s3://cellxgene-data-public/cell-census/2024-07-01/h5ads/fe52003e-1460-4a65-a213-2bb1a508332f.h5ad already exists at /home/runner/.cache/lamindb/cellxgene-data-public/cell-census/2024-07-01/h5ads/fe52003e-1460-4a65-a213-2bb1a508332f.h5ad
#> AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 51552 × 36398
#>     obs: 'donor_id', 'Predicted_labels_CellTypist', 'Majority_voting_CellTypist', 'Manually_curated_celltype', 'assay_ontology_term_id', 'cell_type_ontology_term_id', 'development_stage_ontology_term_id', 'disease_ontology_term_id', 'self_reported_ethnicity_ontology_term_id', 'is_primary_data', 'organism_ontology_term_id', 'sex_ontology_term_id', 'tissue_ontology_term_id', 'suspension_type', 'tissue_type', 'cell_type', 'assay', 'disease', 'organism', 'sex', 'tissue', 'self_reported_ethnicity', 'development_stage', 'observation_joinid'
#>     var: 'gene_symbols', 'feature_is_filtered', 'feature_name', 'feature_reference', 'feature_biotype', 'feature_length'
#>     uns: 'cell_type_ontology_term_id_colors', 'citation', 'default_embedding', 'schema_reference', 'schema_version', 'sex_ontology_term_id_colors', 'title'
#>     obsm: 'X_umap'